How Many Zeros in a Million?

At first glance, the word million might sound abstract — big, impressive, and a bit mysterious. But when you break it down numerically, it's actually pretty simple.

A million is written as: 1,000,000 Now, let's count the zeros: 1 followed by six zeros.

A million has 6 zeros.

Million: Breaking It Down

Let's build up to a million step by step:

Each time you multiply by 10, you add another zero.

Quick tip: If you know that a thousand has 3 zeros, then a million (which is a thousand thousands) doubles that:
3 + 3 = 6 zeros

What is a Million, Really?

A million is the number you get when you multiply 1,000 × 1,000.

This is also known as 106 (10 to the 6th power), which is another way of saying “1 followed by 6 zeros.”

1,000 (3 zeros)
× 1,000 (3 more zeros)
= 1,000,000 → 6 zeros total

Million to Number Conversion Table

Millions Number Zeros Common Use
11,000,0006Small businesses, influencers
22,000,0006City population, prize money
55,000,0006Downloads, views
1010,000,0007TV show audience, startup revenue
5050,000,0007Public sector budgets
100100,000,0008Infrastructure, IPOs
999999,000,0008Global market cap ranges

Million in Different Contexts

Million Memory Trick

Want to remember how many zeros in a million? Try this rhyme:

“One with six, makes the million mix!”

Or this acronym trick:

Million vs. Billion vs. Trillion

Here's how a million compares with even larger numbers:

ScaleNameZerosRelative Size
106Million6Base level
109Billion91,000 × bigger than a million
1012Trillion121,000 × bigger than a billion

Questions & Answers about Million
What Comes Before Million?

The number that comes before a million is a thousand.

  • Thousand = 1,000 (that's 3 zeros)
  • It's written as 10³ in scientific notation

A million is a thousand thousands.

What Comes After Million?

The next number after a million is a billion.

  • Billion = 1,000,000,000 (that's 9 zeros)
  • It's written as 10⁹

A billion is a thousand millions.

Name Number of Zeros Scientific Notation
Thousand 3 103
Million 6 106
Billion 9 109
How many digits does a million have?

A million has 7 digits in total — that’s the digit 1 followed by 6 zeros.

Is a 6-digit number a million?

No, a 6-digit number is less than a million. A true million is 1 followed by 6 zeros, making it a 7-digit number.

How many zeros in 1 million?

6 zeros
1 million = 1,000,000
Common in population stats, net worth, and business values.

How many zeros in 2 million?

6 zeros
2 million = 2,000,000
Enough to describe a small city's population or a lottery jackpot.

How many zeros in 5 million?

6 zeros
5 million = 5,000,000
Often seen in app downloads, YouTube views, or startup funding.

How many zeros in 10 million?

7 zeros
10 million = 10,000,000
Used in large-scale transactions or celebrity contracts.

How many zeros in 50 million?

7 zeros
50 million = 50,000,000
Large government programs, national budget figures, etc.

How many zeros in 100 million?

8 zeros
100 million = 100,000,000
Massive-scale investments, infrastructure projects, or valuations.

How many zeros in 999 million?

8 zeros
999 million = 999,000,000
Just below a billion — seen in multinational revenue or national GDP chunks.

Facts About a Million

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